

We all do it, but some of us just do it more than others…procrastinate! Putting off until tomorrow what you ‘should’ be doing now is one of the easiest and most effective ways to undermine your own self-esteem. To begin with, when you say to yourself that you ‘should’ be doing…whatever…you set up a chain of events. Firstly, you will actually feel a heaviness in your body…pay attention…it is there. Often we will feel a weight in the shoulder area…or tension in the neck and shoulders that can lead to a headache. Now you have a physical manifestation of a negative toxic emotion. Secondly, your subconscious mind is thinking “Ohhhhhhhhhh…Jackie (insert your name of course) is bad because they should be doing…whatever…but they aren’t.” This creates the third scenerio which is guilt generated by our lack of immediate action to complete the task. So now think of the number of times you say to yourself “I should be….” in a single day. Multiply that by the number of days in a month, then year, then years. What do you have? A constant drain or lowering of your self-esteem BY YOURSELF! Isn’t it bad enough that life tends to wear us down and chip away at our self-confidence without doing it to ourselves, too?!!!!!

So the next time you find yourself postponing a task… listen to my Stop Procrastination hypnosis and subliminal CDs….or give yourself a good hard pinch and say “NO! Now is the time to do this!” and just do it! Break a large task down into its smaller steps and just begin at step one.

Or: Check out this goal setting plan:

By taking action right away, you will eliminate clutter, accomplish a great deal more, manage your time more efficiently and best of all give your self-esteem a real boost!

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