
It is all about empowerment!


How often do we say to our children “Be careful!”? Think about that phrase…two words with a negative impact, especially when repeated, that can undermine the confidence of the very child you are ‘trying’ to protect. Why? When you say “Be careful” you are sending the child out into the world in a reactive mode…believing that he must be on guard because there is something out there to harm him and thus his trusted parent has warned him about. Living reactively all the time is not a healthy way to live. Now let’s change those two words to “Play safe”. This is a phrase of empowerment. This tells the child that you trust him to make the appropriate judgement when necessary to protect himself…if necessary. This is a proactive approach. This is a simple two word phrase that will instill confidence in a child and allow him to live his life in a proactive way instead of reactive way. For more on confident children and proactive parenting visit:
Confident Parents Raise Confident Children
Make your language positive and empower someone you love!

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