
CHANGE: Hypnosis is THE key!


CHANGE: Hypnosis is THE key!

How often have you changed your hair…style or colour; your style of dressing? Where you live? Variety truly is the spice of life and I believe a strong human trait. Billions of dollars are spent each year on cosmetics because we decide to change our shampoo brand, toothpaste or make-up etc. Some external changes seem to be so effortless; we hardly give them a second thought. So what is holding us back from changing those nasty habits we acknowledge but simply can’t let go? Some can seem almost trivial though still annoying such as nail biting or procrastination. Then there is the next level of fears and phobias (perhaps heights, spiders, flying etc.) Still others can actually be life threatening such as smoking, obesity, stress, etc. Often the wall we hit is fear of change…fear of the unknown and the unfamiliar. Changing some deep seated habits can be very alarming because it forces us inward…to reassess who we are, and to alter our perception of reality. For instance, an obese person might have begun overeating emotionally to avoid being considered as sexually active. Perhaps they suffered self-esteem erosion in their youth by an abusive parent, or perhaps they were even subjected to sexual abuse. Changing their outward appearance by losing weight would make them feel vulnerable…their perception is that others might consider them more appealing sexually and make advances. This example may seem dire, but I see it a lot in my practice, and indeed I find that 99.9% of the clients walking through my door are held back from their truest potential by low self-esteem. It doesn’t have to mean abuse…let’s face it…life just wears you down.
So how can we make these internal/emotional changes, remove the fear AND build self-confidence? HYPNOSIS! Our belief system is held in the subconscious mind and hypnosis by-passes the critical conscious mind (the one that reinforces a bad self-image by looking in the mirror and telling you that your hips are too big etc.) and goes directly to where you store those original beliefs. There you can replace a negative belief with a positive one. “My hips are not too big; I am curvaceous, and I love my body”. I use my original hypnosis and subliminal CDs with my clients ( to reinforce the positive and thus replace the negative programming. Yes…that is basically what it is. Fear, anger…any negative belief is programmed into us through our childhood and the events and people in our lives. Hypnosis is a safe, natural, easy and effective way to powerfully reprogram yourself to be the person you always knew you could be! To achieve those goals that have fallen by the wayside! It takes 21 days to cement a belief into your subconscious mind, so change will not occur overnight…but then you didn’t just suddenly wake up addicted to cigarettes…or afraid of flying…or overweight, did you. So to address the internal changes in yourself that will give you the life you desire, listen to my CDs as often as possible…listen often = optimal results. Highly motivated individuals can see change even faster. Begin simply with a stress relief or insomnia CD and subliminal (Deep Relaxation, Stress Relief) or go to the source with Releasing the Past, Releasing Fear, Confident You, You are What you Think etc. Mix them and allow yourself to end excuses for your shortcomings. Change on the inside…it will be positively reflected on the outside…a glow of confidence and a positive outlook that certainly no expensive treatments or creams can give you! You can actually LOVE yourself!
Hypnosis: the key to change!

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