
Your doctor has just used the “C” word to diagnose your condition. You sit there in a fog of horror listening but not really hearing what he tells you can be done for it. You just want to sit and cry; perhaps ask ‘Why me?’ Snipits of his words come through…chemo; radiation; stats about your chances; and more. You look at him through watery eyes and perhaps see the sympathy in his eyes…or perhaps he has become the consummate professional detaching himself and citing the facts. You leave with a fistful of information so you can make an educated decision about your treatment plan. Perhaps you have begun that treatment plan. Your family and friends supporting you as best as they can, but you can see the strain and worry in them. This is your battle and one you are possibly fighting for your life. But you realize that everything is happening TO you. And in those quiet moments when you are alone and the cold reality hits…you are faced with an overwhelming feeling of helplessness. You really can answer the ‘Why me?’ because you have abused your body over the years either physically or emotionally, and though it sent you warning signals, you didn’t heed them. So now it has your attention and you feel like you are so alone. The medical profession will do its best for you and to you…but what can you do to help yourself?
You can enlist your most powerful ally in this fight against cancer…your subconscious mind! You have incredible power at your disposal…simply begin using your mind to help you. To bolster your white cell army against the invaders listen to Conquering Cancer the hypnosis recording and Conquering Cancer the subliminal way. This awakens your subconscious mind and gives it direction on fighting cancer at a cellular level. Often it can seem like you have just been given a death sentence and it can seem impossible to keep the desire to fight going. That’s where Believe You Can! , Hope, Loving Yourself Conquers Cancer and Positive Living come in to give you the emotional support you need to keep fighting and living the best that you can. During your chemo and radiation treatments, no one says you have to be there mentally, so why not condition yourself to escape with Chemo Escape the hypnosis recording and Chemo Escape the subliminal Way. Go take a walk along the beach. The relaxation will benefit your mind AND body and cause less trauma. Less trauma has proven to speed recovery.
You need never be alone! Any of my stress relief and confidence recordings as well as the ones listed above will provide 24/7 support for you the patient as well as your family, friends and caregivers. Be positive and begin using your most powerful ally in this your greatest battle. Empower yourself by taking control using your subconscious mind! Arm yourself!