
“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” Frank Lloyd Wright Beliefs you hold about yourself either will help you to move forward or will cause self-sabotage throughout your life and keep you stuck. Only you can choose to hold or reject every belief you … Continue readings
Tags : beliefs, change, confidence, parents, positive, self-esteem, unique

Is time speeding up for you? Are you wondering where your days are going and how you are going to get everything done on time? We are all feeling it…that rushed, harried and hurried feeling. Sometimes it feels like I have my finger in a socket…that constant hum of energy. Whether you believe it is … Continue readings
Tags : health, immune boost, positive, relaxation hypnosis, stress relief, subconscious reprogramming

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung How many of us have invested in someone or something else to bring us happiness? The truth of the matter is that you will only find true, lasting happiness when you look within. … Continue readings
Tags : confidence, confidence technique, courage, happiness, positive, self-esteem

“The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” Thomas Carlyle So what is your purpose? Or are you rudderless? Sometimes it can be so difficult to really connect with your true passion. We live our daily lives with so many expectations of ourselves; so many responsibilities and commitments; sometimes so much … Continue readings
Tags : boosting immune system, confidence, confidence technique, courage, health, positive, releasing fear

I am so very honoured to have my newly designed website recognized by the National Guild of Hypnotists with their Quality Website Award. The National Guild of Hypnotists is a professional organization of which I am a member, that is comprised of “dedicated individuals committed to advancing the field of hypnotism.” The field of Hypnotism … Continue readings
Tags : awards in hypnosis, empowerment, positive, self hypnosis MP3, success, transformation, unique

Stop Smoking in 3 weeks using hypnosis with my Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program. This Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program download is based on my in-office Stop Smoking Hypnosis program which has a 90% success rate! Proven effective for those who want to quit smoking in the comfort of your own home. This 3 week program replicates … Continue readings
Tags : breaking habits, confidence technique, medical, positive, quit smoking, relaxation hypnosis, smoking cessation, stress relief, subconscious reprogramming