
In the past I have presented articles, bios and updates from friends and colleagues, so it is my honour to present to you, an editorial from Dr. Tim Brunson from the International Hypnosis Research Institute which is pertinent to the current legislation being considered in Canada. Please take the time to read and consider Dr. … Continue readings
Tags : brain science, future, health, medical, success

Don’t you love the fact that as we become more technologically advanced, we tend to fall back on the natural remedies of our ancestors? MCP (Modified Citrus Pectin) can help with inflammation, heart disease etc. Read more about it here: MCP And if your natural treatments include enlisting the aid of your most powerful ally…your … Continue readings
Tags : cancer, health, immune boost, immunity, medical, oranges

Stop Smoking in 3 weeks using hypnosis with my Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program. This Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program download is based on my in-office Stop Smoking Hypnosis program which has a 90% success rate! Proven effective for those who want to quit smoking in the comfort of your own home. This 3 week program replicates … Continue readings
Tags : breaking habits, confidence technique, medical, positive, quit smoking, relaxation hypnosis, smoking cessation, stress relief, subconscious reprogramming