
Just how “conditioned” are you? The truth is that 95% (or more) of your day runs from existing programs/beliefs/conditioning in your subconscious mind. We are seldom consciously mindful, but it is certainly something to aim for daily. An interesting example of conditioning was experienced by a friend who was going through a bank’s drive thru … Continue readings
Tags : change, conditionning, courage, reprogramming, rote, strength, wonder

Join me live at click on LIVE ON AIR on Tuesday February 7th at 10:50 am (EDT) for a further session of Stop Smoking. Joyce Barrie’s award winning show comes to you from New York City. It promises to be lively and informative and I will be giving you some tips to help you … Continue readings
Tags : breaking habits, confidence technique, courage, health, smoking cessation

Are you now feverishly running around shopping, planning, decorating and has it just occurred to you that there are only 5 days left until Christmas?????!!!! OK…if you have been doing the suggestions in Stress Buster one and two, you should be calmer than you otherwise might have been, but here is another little stress reliever … Continue readings
Tags : anxiety hypnosis, audio recording, change, courage, relaxation hypnosis

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung How many of us have invested in someone or something else to bring us happiness? The truth of the matter is that you will only find true, lasting happiness when you look within. … Continue readings
Tags : confidence, confidence technique, courage, happiness, positive, self-esteem

“The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” Thomas Carlyle So what is your purpose? Or are you rudderless? Sometimes it can be so difficult to really connect with your true passion. We live our daily lives with so many expectations of ourselves; so many responsibilities and commitments; sometimes so much … Continue readings
Tags : boosting immune system, confidence, confidence technique, courage, health, positive, releasing fear