confidence technique

Is it necessary or even desirable to totally eliminate memories in order to help eliminate stress? I don’t believe it is necessary to eliminate the actual memory that is causing a negative response…but rather, one can eliminate the negative response and still maintain the memory. I have found when working with sexual abuse victims and … Continue readings
Tags : anxiety hypnosis, beliefs, change, confidence technique, EFT, happiness, meeting challenges, self-esteem, stress, transformation

Help your self confidence! Here is a little experiment for you. Stand before a mirror and really look yourself in the eyes. I don’t mean look at your face, or critique the shape of your nose or anything else. I mean look only and directly into your eyes. How does this make you feel? You … Continue readings
Tags : audio recording, belief system, confidence, confidence technique, self-esteem, subconscious reprogramming, transformation

Join me live at click on LIVE ON AIR on Tuesday February 7th at 10:50 am (EDT) for a further session of Stop Smoking. Joyce Barrie’s award winning show comes to you from New York City. It promises to be lively and informative and I will be giving you some tips to help you … Continue readings
Tags : breaking habits, confidence technique, courage, health, smoking cessation

Join me live at click on LIVE ON AIR on Tuesday December 27th at 10:50 am (EDT) for a session of Stop Smoking. Joyce Barrie’s award winning show comes to you from New York City. It promises to be lively and informative and I will be giving you some tips to help you finally … Continue readings
Tags : confidence technique, quit smoking, smoking cessation, subconscious reprogramming

The stress relief techniques I have been giving you to reduce and indeed eliminate stress over the holiday season are based on the concept of energy healing. We all have an energy body that can be weakened by stress, and these techniques will strengthen it by removing energy blockages caused by stress. They will in … Continue readings
Tags : anxiety hypnosis, audio recording, confidence technique, relaxation hypnosis, security, stress relief

Have you got the right stuff to succeed? The main ingredient for any success formula is confidence. You can have all the other pieces, gifts and luck but if you lack belief in yourself, you won’t achieve your HIGHEST potential. It isn’t your fault if you suffer low self-esteem. Life can wear you down, especially … Continue readings
Tags : confidence technique, freedom, meeting challenges, stress relief, superhero

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Carl Jung How many of us have invested in someone or something else to bring us happiness? The truth of the matter is that you will only find true, lasting happiness when you look within. … Continue readings
Tags : confidence, confidence technique, courage, happiness, positive, self-esteem

“The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” Thomas Carlyle So what is your purpose? Or are you rudderless? Sometimes it can be so difficult to really connect with your true passion. We live our daily lives with so many expectations of ourselves; so many responsibilities and commitments; sometimes so much … Continue readings
Tags : boosting immune system, confidence, confidence technique, courage, health, positive, releasing fear

Paul Gaugin once said “I close my eyes in order to see.” By closing your eyes you avoid visual distraction, and by focusing inward and being still, you mine the depths of you. We all question who we really are and what our purpose in life was meant to be. Consider that your purpose is … Continue readings
Tags : belief system, confidence technique, self hypnosis MP3, subconscious reprogramming, transformation, unique

Stop Smoking in 3 weeks using hypnosis with my Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program. This Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program download is based on my in-office Stop Smoking Hypnosis program which has a 90% success rate! Proven effective for those who want to quit smoking in the comfort of your own home. This 3 week program replicates … Continue readings
Tags : breaking habits, confidence technique, medical, positive, quit smoking, relaxation hypnosis, smoking cessation, stress relief, subconscious reprogramming