brain science

Future trends in mental health

In the past I have presented articles, bios and updates from friends and colleagues, so it is my honour to present to you, an editorial from Dr. Tim Brunson from the International Hypnosis Research Institute which is pertinent to the current legislation being considered in Canada.  Please take the time to read and consider Dr. … Continue readings

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Subconscious,         Unconscious,                      Conscious Using the future of brain science make your mind work for you today.!!!!!

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Stone thoughts?

Stone thoughts?

Are your thoughts carved in stone?  How rigid are you?  In this day and age of technological and informational bombardment, you might find yourself resisting thinking outside of the box.  You spend 95% of your day living from lessons and beliefs learned in the first 6 years of your life.  This was when you were … Continue readings

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