Here is the poignant story of Marie and her stuggles with anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Perhaps you can relate, and if so, take heart because her story has a happy ending. I give Marie my deepest thanks for her courage in sharing her personal story. At the end of her story I will list … Continue readings

I am beginning to get excited about Spring being just around the corner. We are buried in snow for so many months that when we get a warm spell, meaning temperatures actually squeak above freezing, we begin to feel great expectations! Close to my home we have a rodent do our Spring forecasting…Wiarton Willie. He … Continue readings

February 14th is soon to arrive…a day to celebrate your relationship by taking the time to focus on your loved one instead of perhaps taking them for granted which you might find you do most of the rest of the year. The demands of a young family or busy life often mean romance is the last thing … Continue readings

This graduation address should be read by everyone…it inspires and tells it like it is. Just the drop of brilliance needed to boister belief that we really can be positive about the future! And just to keep you thinking positively…. You are what you think on sale now! http://www.kinsdomainvillage.org/?q=node/40 YOU ARE BRILLIANT AND THE EARTH … Continue readings

Did you know that it has been only recently that the human race has been dealing with a pandemic called stress??? The word stress was first coined in its present usage by Dr. Hans Selye as “a biological process, a wide-ranging set of events in the body, irrespective of cause or of subjective awareness. Stress … Continue readings

So just what do I mean by flake??? Examine a snowflake. As we have all learned in grade school, no two snowflakes are the same. This individuality and uniqueness also applies to each of us. You are unique…there is no one else like you in the Universe. Think about the people around you and notice … Continue readings

Yes it is that time again when we make our New Year’s resolutions and have a very determined January followed by a waning February. If Weight Loss is your choice of resolution this year, this information on 5HTP could be very helpful in boosting your metabolism and realizing your weight loss goal. However, if you … Continue readings

How is your conditionning? No I am not referring to the physical kind, but more the mental/emotional kind. Being aware that you are conditionned is half-way there to turning off the negative. For example, when I was supply teaching and also when I worked for the Ontario Provincial Police, I was on-call. It didn’t take … Continue readings

Summer is definitely over here and the rains have taken over. Grey, cloudy skies…cool days and cooler nights. So why is this my favourite time of year? I love the contrasts: a myriad of spectacular colours on the trees contrast the background of dark dreary skies. The shadows are longer, and it puts me in … Continue readings

Are you going with the flow of your life or are you constantly swimming up stream? What you resist will persist so examine your life and see where your roadblocks exist. Then ask yourself what you can do to “go with the flow”. Often it is the wisdom to let go of the resistance and … Continue readings

Whether you have just been diagnosed…are considered terminal…are the patient, family member of a patient or the caregiver…just how do you maintain a positive upbeat attitude and approach? I would love to hear from you because I am establishing an Emotional Resource Centre. It is my belief that each person named above needs to have … Continue readings

Stop Smoking in 3 weeks using hypnosis with my Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program. This Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program download is based on my in-office Stop Smoking Hypnosis program which has a 90% success rate! Proven effective for those who want to quit smoking in the comfort of your own home. This 3 week program replicates … Continue readings
Tags : breaking habits, confidence technique, medical, positive, quit smoking, relaxation hypnosis, smoking cessation, stress relief, subconscious reprogramming