Paul Gaugin once said “I close my eyes in order to see.” By closing your eyes you avoid visual distraction, and by focusing inward and being still, you mine the depths of you. We all question who we really are and what our purpose in life was meant to be. Consider that your purpose is … Continue readings
Tags : belief system, confidence technique, self hypnosis MP3, subconscious reprogramming, transformation, unique
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch So what have you done lately that has “fired” you? There can be so many different ways to be inspired…just embracing nature which surrounds you everywhere, can lead you to new ideas and creations. Take a moment to be … Continue readings
Tags : audio recording, dream, empowerment, live, love, motivation
We all are pretty much aware that getting outside and being close to nature and enjoying it in some way will reduce stress. But did you realize that a recent study has proven that just gazing out on green trees and parkland etc from your office window will also drastically reduce your stress levels! Nature … Continue readings
Tags : anxiety hypnosis, freedom, happiness, self hypnosis MP3, stress relief
I am continually suggesting to clients, friends and anyone who will stop to listen, that it truly is “all in the mind”! Well, Spring is just about here where I live, and I am finding that more and more of us are thinking of slimming down for the summer season. Like bears awakening from hibernation, … Continue readings
Tags : audio recording, confidence, natural weight loss, self hypnosis MP3, self-esteem, weight loss
So here comes summer…and yes your kids are about to end their school year and be home full time. It can be a lot easier on you if you plan ahead and guess what…there is a lot you can do for free. But let’s not forget you the parents! De-stress with my: Stress Relief Bundle … Continue readings
Tags : anxiety hypnosis, children, relaxation hypnosis, stress relief, summer relief
Don’t you love the fact that as we become more technologically advanced, we tend to fall back on the natural remedies of our ancestors? MCP (Modified Citrus Pectin) can help with inflammation, heart disease etc. Read more about it here: MCP And if your natural treatments include enlisting the aid of your most powerful ally…your … Continue readings
Tags : cancer, health, immune boost, immunity, medical, oranges
Are your thoughts carved in stone? How rigid are you? In this day and age of technological and informational bombardment, you might find yourself resisting thinking outside of the box. You spend 95% of your day living from lessons and beliefs learned in the first 6 years of your life. This was when you were … Continue readings
Tags : brain science, change, confidence, empowerment, exam success, neuro-plasticity
Those who know me will know that I am daring to step outside my comfort zone and join the ‘social’ media…like Facebook and Twitter. Do you ever wonder if your head will burst from all of this new knowledge with which we find ourselves confronted? But then, I love a challenge and find myself voraciously … Continue readings
As the population ages, we all encounter its effects and need to know how to cope, handle, prepare or deal with it in our daily lives. “The extended release of the stress hormone cortisol can result in old-age memory loss. (Yau JLW et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2011) This study builds on early research which … Continue readings
Tags : aging, anxiety hypnosis, audio recording, golden years, relaxation hypnosis, seniors, stress relief
“I am the toughest golfer mentally.” Tiger Woods There it is! The snow is melting and you are beginning to feel the golf fever…checking your clubs…dreaming of that new putter or driver…days in the warm sunshine or cooler evening breezes…lush greens and friendly competition. It is friendly isn’t it? “The whole idea is to get … Continue readings
Tags : golf, golf confidence, golf focus, Jack Nicklaus, putting, sports confidence, Tiger Woods
I am so very honoured to have my newly designed website recognized by the National Guild of Hypnotists with their Quality Website Award. The National Guild of Hypnotists is a professional organization of which I am a member, that is comprised of “dedicated individuals committed to advancing the field of hypnotism.” The field of Hypnotism … Continue readings
Tags : awards in hypnosis, empowerment, positive, self hypnosis MP3, success, transformation, unique
Your doctor has just used the “C” word to diagnose your condition. You sit there in a fog of horror listening but not really hearing what he tells you can be done for it. You just want to sit and cry; perhaps ask ‘Why me?’ Snipits of his words come through…chemo; radiation; stats about your chances; … Continue readings