
Conditionning…turn off the bad

Conditionning…turn off the bad

How is your conditionning? No I am not referring to the physical kind, but more the mental/emotional kind. Being aware that you are conditionned is half-way there to turning off the negative. For example, when I was supply teaching and also when I worked for the Ontario Provincial Police, I was on-call. It didn’t take me long to discover that those middle of the night calls were conditionning me to hate using the phone. I love my sleep and found that I resented being awakened in such an alarming way. Recently I have been told a story of one of our heroic warriors in Baghdad who has been adjusting to the different alarms which warn of various degrees of danger. This sort of startling sets up a hyper-vigilance response and over time can lead to the chronic stress of being locked into the fight/flight or freeze response. In these times, of chronic stress, overwhelm and little release, it is more important than ever to develop de-stressing skills and empowerment. Hypnosis and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), meditation and mindfulness are all excellent examples of these skills. Learn to relax and turn off technology. An excellent destressor is my Healing Pool Stress Relief.

Breathe deeply…relax…and turn off that negative conditionning!

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